Australia’s welcoming attitude toward newcomers has recently attracted attention on a global scale. This is because, in order to increase economic output, the government needs to fill a natural labour shortage. The Australian government has also been motivated to encourage firms to invest in the Australian economy by this labour shortage. This is done in an effort to support job growth for the workforce they are trying to expand. It is highly advised that you take into account the following discussion while making your selection if you are a business owner wanting to understand how to effectively secure a business visa in Australia.

Australia Business Visa Application

It is advised that you determine which business visa option best suits your needs if you are trying to choose among the different possibilities available to you.

However, this article will detail the various Australian business visa options and provide you with benchmark requirements for what you must accomplish in order to submit a successful application. Immigration lawyers Australia are the ones who can make your route easy.

A Brief Overview of the Business Innovation and Investment Business Visa

There are three streams to this short Australian business visa. Consider the specific qualifying requirements for each of these streams.

For those with business expertise who want to start, grow, or manage a new or even an existing business in Australia, there is the Business Innovation Stream. Applicants must be nominated by a state or territory administration in order to be considered for this.


The Investor Stream is for those who intend to invest at least AUD 1.5 million in a state or territory of Australia. They need to be nominated by an Australian state or territory government in order to be eligible for this, and they must continue their commercial and investment activities.

Significant Investor Stream: This is for investors who are prepared to put at least AUD 15 million into Australian-compliant premium assets. The applicants must be chosen and nominated by the Australian government in order to be eligible for this. They must also want to continue their businesses and investments.

You will be allowed to start a new business in Australia or expand an existing one once you have obtained this visa. You can make specified investments with an Australian state or government territory if you want to make investments. As long as the visa is still in effect, you will be free to enter and exit Australia, as well as bring your family with you. You are also qualified to apply for a Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa if you desire business migration and want your company to be permanent (subclass 888).

Who May Apply for  an Australian Business Visa?

Electronic Travel Authority: 

This visa’s objective is to permit a person travelling to Australia for business to do business and to stay for up to three months. A person who is considering moving their office to Australia and needs to interview candidates for open positions is the best candidate for this visa. People who want to stay for more than three months will need to reapply for the visa or look into alternative business visa options.

Business Innovation and Investment:

This visa is intended for individuals who want to start a business in Australia. People should keep in mind that a business does not necessarily need to be existing somewhere when deciding what kind of business they are looking to build. In fact, it’s very likely that the company is brand-new and created only for the Australian market. Additionally, a section of this visa permits investing in Australia.

It is advised that you meet all of the requirements for this visa, depending on which investor stream you are applying for: you must be invited to apply for the visa, nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade, have experience owning or running a business, and have a minimum amount of capital.

The several capital streams that are accessible are: having at least AUD 1.5 million to invest for an investor stream visa; AUD 5 million to invest for a substantial investor stream; or AUD 15 million to invest for a premium investor stream. These visas have the amazing feature of having a maximum validity of four years and three months.

Frequently Used Business Visa Streams

The 4 neighbouring streams in each of subclass 188 and 888 visas, including the 2 substreams in the 188 visa, are meant to serve as bridges between one another. Each stream has been created to be able to accommodate a wide range of investors and businesses, from small to major enterprises. The Business Innovation Stream and the Business Investment Stream are essentially the two divisions of the streams. The  4 most popular streams used by businesspeople and entrepreneurs are listed below.

Innovation in Business Stream.

This stream is appropriate for young business owners who plan to launch a new enterprise in Australia or who currently have one up and running. You need to have a certain number of points on the points test to be eligible for this business stream (see below).


Investor Stream

You must do business and make investments in Australia in order to qualify for this visa stream. You must spend AUD2.5 million in an Australian State or Territory in addition to passing the points test.

Significant Investor Stream 

You must be nominated by either a government organisation or an Australian State or Territory if you want to apply for this business visa stream. The compliant investment, which is worth AUD5 million, is another requirement.


Entrepreneur Stream.

In Australia, you must carry out entrepreneurial tasks and secure money for your commercial endeavours.

How can I apply for a business visa in Australia?

You can apply for a business innovation and investment visa in one of two ways:


Applying Online.

You can apply online by using ImmiAccount to upload the necessary paperwork. You must scan your documents in colour if you’re submitting them electronically.


Application Made in Person.

Applications sent to other locations will not be considered for the bulk of business visa applications, which must be mailed to the Adelaide Business Skills Processing Center.

It’s necessary to pay the application fee via ImmiAccount for both sorts of applications, and it’s crucial to do so before submitting your application because otherwise, it won’t be processed until the fee has been received.


How much time does it take to process an Australian Business Innovation and Investment Visa?

The average processing time for business visa applications is 2.5 years. Australia does not, however, have a set amount of time for processing all visa classes. If any supporting documents are missing from your application or incorrect information was given, the processing time will be extended.

Do My Family Members Have the Ability to Apply for a Business Innovation and Investment Visa with Me?

You may include family members as long as they are part of your immediate family (spouse, partner, children). Family members can apply with you at the same time or later, as long as you remember to add them before your visa application is processed.

At the time of application and the time the visa is granted, you and your spouse may need to be present in Australia for certain visa applications.

If my business visa application is denied, am I still eligible to apply for a visa?

If your application is denied, you may certainly submit a new one. Before you reapply, though, you can ask the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to review the Department of Foreign Affairs’ decision to deny your request for a visa.

Ideal Documents and Procedures for a Successful Application

It’s crucial to realise that getting a business or investment visa in Australia entails a little more involved application process than getting a regular travel visa for business in Australia. Due to the amount of wealth that investors and business owners have the capacity to inject into the Australian economy, they can actually include their families in their visa applications.

Typically, it is easiest to deal with Australian business visas directly at the Australian embassy or with Australian migration lawyers. However, it is not feasible to apply for these visas from within Australia or from outside. It is advisable to keep in mind that these visas might cost up to 5,000 AUD due to the extensive documentation required to bring a whole company to Australia.

Find out if you qualify for an Australian business visa by taking the National Visas FREE ONLINE ASSESSMENT


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