As of October 2021, new regulations have been implemented in Australia for nicotine prescriptions, which could incur a penalty of up to $222,000 and a criminal record for vapers who import nicotine without a prescription. However, vaping nicotine is now recognized as a legitimate quitting aid by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners for smokers who cannot quit with other treatments, and GPs can provide nicotine prescriptions if appropriate.

If your GP does not know how to write a prescription for nicotine, you can suggest they visit the ATHRA website for more information. Alternatively, there is a list of Australian GPs online who are knowledgeable about vaping and can provide a nicotine prescription if necessary.

Prescriptions are valid for 12 months, and nicotine liquid is not covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). Medicare rebates are now available for telehealth consultations with GPs who are not your own doctor, with a rebate of $39.10 for consultations up to 20 minutes and $75.75 for consultations over 20 minutes. Medicare rebates are only payable if you are bulk-billed and have a health care card.



There are three ways to legally access nicotine e-liquid in Australia. The first is to import up to three months’ supply of nicotine e-liquid from overseas suppliers for personal use to quit smoking or prevent relapse under the Personal Importation Scheme. It is essential to provide a copy of your prescription to the vape supplier to return your order. Products imported under the Personal Importation Scheme must not contain active ingredients other than nicotine, such as caffeine, THC, stimulants or vitamins, and must not contain potentially harmful chemicals.


Since May 2021, Australian pharmacies have been able to sell commercial nicotine e-liquids if you have a prescription and your doctor is an Authorised Prescriber. Doctors must apply to the TGA to become an Approved Prescriber. It remains to be seen how many pharmacies will participate, and pharmacy markups are likely to be significant. Compounding pharmacies can also prepare customized nicotine e-liquid from individual ingredients provided with a prescription from an Authorised Prescriber.

Importing nicotine without a valid prescription carries a penalty of up to $222,000 under the Customs Act, and state and territory penalties for possession without a prescription are up to $32,000 and two years of jail time. South Australia is an exception where a prescription is not required to possess nicotine e-liquid, but a prescription will be required after 1 October 2021

All this information might be overwhelming at first. You may have several questions on your mind that need answers. To help you out, here are some common questions and their corresponding answers.



What are the current requirements around nicotine vape laws?

The current laws in Australia require a nicotine vape prescription from a registered healthcare professional in order to gain access to nicotine vapes. This means that you cannot legally purchase nicotine-containing e-cigarettes or e-liquids without a prescription. The new laws came into effect on October 1st, 2021, and are aimed at reducing the uptake of vaping by young people.


What are the current vaping laws?

Are Electronic Cigarettes Legal in Australia? - Infographic

Under the new vape laws, Australians are not allowed to import nicotine vape juice or vape pods without proof of a prescription. This means that if you are caught importing nicotine vape products without a prescription, you could be fined tens of thousands of dollars, depending on your situation and the state/territory you are in.


Can I get in trouble if I don’t have a vape prescription?

Yes, you can get in trouble if you do not have a vape prescription. As mentioned, if you are caught importing nicotine vape products without a prescription, you could be fined. It is important to legally access a nicotine prescription to avoid any potential financial headaches.


Where do I get a nicotine vape GP prescription?

To get a nicotine vape GP prescription, you will need to make an appointment with a registered healthcare professional, such as a doctor or pharmacist. They will assess your individual needs and determine if a nicotine vape product is appropriate for you. If so, they will provide you with a prescription that you can use to legally purchase nicotine-containing e-cigarettes or e-liquids.

Why did nicotine laws change in Australia?

The new nicotine laws in Australia were introduced to reduce the uptake of vaping by young people. While many medical associations recognize that vaping is likely less harmful than smoking and can help people quit smoking, regulating nicotine vape products is mostly about risk regulation, which is typically quite strict in Australia. By making nicotine vape products available only with a prescription, the aim is to reduce smoking trends.



How do I get a prescription for vaping?

To get a prescription for vaping, you will need to make an appointment with a registered healthcare professional. This can be a doctor, pharmacist, or another healthcare provider. They will assess your needs and determine if a nicotine vape product is appropriate for you. If so, they will provide you with a prescription that you can use to legally purchase nicotine-containing e-cigarettes or e-liquids.

In conclusion, nicotine prescriptions in Australia have become stricter, with penalties for importing nicotine without a prescription. However, vaping nicotine is now recognized as a legitimate quitting aid, and GPs can provide prescriptions if necessary. Importing nicotine under the Personal Importation Scheme and purchasing from authorized prescribers are legal ways to access nicotine e-liquid. It is important to follow the regulations to avoid potential legal and financial consequences. If you have further questions, it is recommended to seek advice from a registered healthcare professional or visit the ATHRA website for more information.




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