Yes, you do. SMP practice is equivalent to any legal cosmetic procedure, therefore you need certification as an SMP Practitioner as well as a license to open a shop in Australia.
Scalp micropigmentation is one of the most promising new methods to provide the appearance of a fuller head of hair. Also known as a hair tattoo, it involves injecting pigments on the scalp to make the client’s hair appear darker and fuller.
As this widespread problem of getting balder becomes more well-known, there is a growing outcry for new solutions and qualified professionals to provide them. And you must jump right into getting SMP training right away!
Only professionals can perform this complex process that serves as a combination of medicine and art. They must first receive all the necessary licenses and complete the required educational programs.
Why Should You Consider Getting Certified In Scalp Micropigmentation?
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Having understood what this treatment is all about, you can now proceed to learn why you should consider getting an SMP certification, and if it is the perfect choice of career for you.
We have dug out of our wealth of experience, some rationales to justify why a career in this therapeutic aesthetic field might just be one of the best choices you will make.
1. Great Need and Potential
As a result of the heightened acceptance and the discovery of the spice in looking properly groomed always, virtually every area of personal grooming and glamour are growing into leading markets for many people.
In fact, there are now competitions all over the place among those that render these grooming services.
The grooming treatment referred to as scalp micropigmentation is somewhat new and owing to its novel state coupled with its usefulness, the need for it has become great in recent times.
According to research, more than 85% of men begin to suffer from hair loss and will definitely go for a hair loss treatment. Approximately two-thirds of men already begin to battle with thinning hair from as early as the age of 35.
2. A Lucrative Choice Of Career
According to a recent study carried out by Career Trend, presently established micropigmentation artists are raking in earnings in the region of $55,000 to $80,000, at least every single year.
This correlates very appreciatively to the usual $47,600 regular salary of an average American worker that works a total shift of 40 hours every week.
Taking scalp micropigmentation training can get you this far.
According to the study, an SMP artist gets to conduct fewer than 12 treatments each month, which is very feasible owing to the present massive demand, to take in such an amount as earnings.
For an experienced SMP artist, he can charge you up to $200 per hour and can also be certain to have a confined audience since all those going through the process have to come back after a year for their touch-up session.
3. Easy Training And Startup
To become certified and be eligible to take up a job as a scalp micropigmentation artist, it is not necessary for you to go through a lengthy college journey for years and pay a ton as tuition.
Generally, to get to be a qualified SMP artist, all you are required to do is to go through a brief training process in a standard institution.
The good news as well is that several institutions can teach you how to go through these treatment procedures whether on an online platform or in a classroom. But very few can give you the real picture.
Typically, the regular course fee at the SMP training center is $6,500 and the course deals with providing you knowledge on all that you have to know; starting with the techniques and strategies to employ, the level of neatness that is required, and many other intricacies that make it easy for you to operate as an SMP artist as well as to do so effectively.
Because we all know that having a mentor is so important. Mentors like Aaron and Jana are at hand to answer any questions and provide guidance as required plus make you established as a professional.
To Wrap Up
When students register and decide to create their reality they become their own boss. These courses provide an intense learning program designed with hands-on training. Show up as your highest self that deserves the best, and start making a difference in your life, and others around you.
Learning from an expert artist with years of experience makes you unstoppable and get excited about who you could be.
Here, the SMP training courses teach students how to focus on being amazing artists and an inspiration to the community, while increasing their income! They are here to give students the knowledge, skills, and tools to empower themselves to become a top-rated artist.